Tuesday, October 7, 2008

sorry for the lack of update! finally the mid-terms are over and there is much rejoicing.
the weekend went by way too quickly: it was filled with working, studying, and a nice visit from my mama saturday night! Messiah gets amazing concerts and they are usually only $5 for students! Saturday was the Art * Music * Justice tour that included my favorite Derek Webb and McCraken! I was so glad Mom could make it up by herself: and she enjoyed it! I was reminded at the concert that justice is something that is 100% what my life needs to be about. It was a really neat feeling.
tomorrow after classes is the start of fall break! finally! annie, my dad, and i are going up to nyc for a few days (while jill is in tokyo! lucky girl) and i'm so excited to visit kate at nyu. annie also has never been to new york so i'm excited to show her around. perhaps i'll have time to visit lcds: i'm excited but it'll be weird for sure. well everything is going well here: very excited for a break!
<-- p.s.- i couldn't help: how cute?
homecoming up at houghton. can't wait to see that face soon!


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

i can ride my bike with no handlebars

college is, well....college!
i was surprised how quickly i adapted to life here: the independence, the 1am bedtime, the dance parties, so many new people to meet, classes, classes, classes, power naps, work, work, work, laughter, laughter, laughter.
i think college is going to be very good for me. i feel like I'm changing already, even though I've only been here a little over a month. I'm thankful for the many people i have met so far who come from the same perspectives as me on Christianity, politics, the world, etc. And I am also thankful for the many people who do not share the some perspectives. If everyone's thinking the same thing, someone isn't thinking, right?
My classes are very challenging, especially philosophy and latin: perhaps not the best idea to choose for the first semester? but i'm having fun with my elem. ed classes, and am really excited to get into the feild. today i had a meeting with all freshman ed majors and it was exciting calling them my "future collegues". : )
my roommates are: see above picture!

funny story: today at work in the lovely lottie dishroom, liz was unloading the dishwasher. when pots and pans come out of this dishwasher, they are boiling hot. i repeat: boiling hot. so i saw the white bucket (wrong side up, filled with hot, boiling water) coming, and went to put it up on the shelf not thinking of it's contents.
major fail.
bucket of boiling water drenches liz and goes down her shirt and into her skin! no burns i can see as of yet, but not fun, not fun at all.
